

Posted by おてもやん at




10月 ハロウィンパレード
31日 先生、子供たちそして保護者達と一緒に仮装しながら、トリック・オア・トリートをしました。

11月 Thanksgivings Day(感謝祭)




Posted by hyis at 20:51Comments(0)



September starts the Fall term at HYIS with the kids having fun making crafts related to the changing season. Look at the interesting hat that is just one of the many theme-related activities that the HYIS students are proud of. Here at the school, there is always ways for discovery and display of uniqueness as the children explore their learning environment. The children build fruitful relationships while they are at play and study with their friends in a 100% English based curriculum.



Posted by hyis at 16:16Comments(0)


7.27.2011 8.1.2011 Newsletter

July 27th, 2011
The Rainbow, Sun Shine, Super Kids class made an ice cream craft. Since they were learning about the difference between solid and liquid, the Homeroom teacher organized a dramatic play for the children to act as an ice cream shop owner and make an ice cream art by using a sponge and tab it on a food coloring as their inks and stamp it on the ice cream template during their Creative Arts class. The children enjoyed stamping on the ice cream and creating their own favorite taste. "It was magical when I mixed Orange and Red and changed to Green", (5 years old, Super Kids student)
It looks so delicious!
August 1st, 2011
We entered our 3rd week of the Summer Extravaganza and now, our topic are about Planets and Transportations. Did you know there are only 8 planets in the universe? One of the planets is no longer called a planet anymore and can you guess which planet it is? (Hint: it is located as far from the Sun) The children learn the first four planets from the Sun and are, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. During our Cooking class which we call it Food Fun, Rainbow, Sun Shine and Super Kids decorated a sandwich shaped as a STAR!!! In the afternoon, they went to the lawn and harvested Goya and Okura. After harvesting, they drew and measured the vegetables with a ruler.
We harvested a BIG Okura
Serious faces when we measure Goya  

Posted by hyis at 23:25Comments(0)


Summer Extravaganza!

July 18, 2011
The first day of Summer school has began and the children were welcomed by the HYIS teachers and staff. After the school, we had our Summer Matsuri and the children dressed up with yukata and Hanten. The teachers were wearing yukata and everyone enjoyed the festival. We had several games, foods and beverages. Before the matsuri ended, we all danced Bon-Odori together. Thank you very much to all who came to our Summer Extravaganza and we are looking forward to seeing you again in the coming Matsuri held in August. Arigatou gozaimashita!


Posted by hyis at 20:30Comments(0)


Food Fun クッキングクラス

Both Smiley and Sunshine/Super Kids classes enjoyed their cooking at HYIS. The Smiley class made rice balls with an egg flavor. For the Sunshine and Super Kids class, since the children were learning about Italy, they made Italian pizzas with a variety of ingredients such as green peppers, sliced cheese, ham, tuna, and some tomato sauce. Bon a Petit!


Posted by hyis at 20:01Comments(0)


Summer Festival  夏祭り

Another fine weather to have for a special event at Minami-Makigahara. The HYIS teachers and staff participated in Minami-Makigahara Festival on July 16th held at the park near the station. "Hitting the Daruma" or in Japanese, 「だるま落とし」 was our game at the festival. Thank you to all who came and challenged for the game and at the same time, the HYIS staff and teachers enjoyed as well! A BIG thank you to the Asahi Community.
Coming soon are two big events at HYIS. On July 18, 2011 (Monday), Summer School will start until August 12th (Friday) and those who hasn't applied yet and is interested to learn and have fun in English, please feel free to contact us! We have still have a few space so hurry! We would love to see you at HYIS Summer Extravaganza! The second event is HYIS Summer Festival 2011! We will be holding a festival at the school with lots of treats and fun games. Stay tuned for the two events at HYIS. For further information, please visit our Website at www.hyis.org/

その一.7月18日(金)サマースクール「Summer Extravaganza!」

Posted by hyis at 00:38Comments(0)


Parent's Observation Day 授業参観日

Thank you very much to all the HYIS parents who have come to our Parent's Observation Day and we hope you enjoyed our first production, "The Little Red Hen" starring HYIS students. The children put great effort in acting out thier character. Please look forward to our next show during Summer School! Once again, thank you to all the parents who came today!


Posted by hyis at 00:30Comments(0)


Sports Festival 2011

Despite of the heat on Sunday, July 10th, the HYIS parents, students, guests, teachers and staff had a great time during the first Sports Festival that was held at Kodomo no Shizen park. There were classes' and teams' (red versus white) games that were truly challenging, but fun! First was the marching and warm-up exercises. Then throw the ball in the basket, and followed by a thrilling obstacle race. Tug-of-war, Carry the Child and Three-Legged Baton Relay Race and Pass the Ball proved to be child-parent spectacular games for all. Finally, an awarding ceremony for all the students ended the day that was truly a memorable celebration. Not to forget, a picnic was also a wholesome socialization time and free play.

7月10日(日)猛暑の中、HYIS初の夏の運動会がこどもの自然公園で行われました。当日は、お天気にも恵まれました。赤組対白組で各種目が行われました。競技を行い前に、まず皆で準備体操をしました。体操の後にはいよいよ最初の種目で、スマイリー・クラスによる「玉入れ」が行われました。子ども達は、一生懸命だけど楽しくボールをフラフープからバスケットに入れていました。お父さんやお母さんも我が子に負けずにボールをかごに投げていました。次に、サンシャイン・スーパーキッズによる「障害物リレー」が行われました。様々な障害物をくぐりぬけて、ゴール手前にパンを手を使わずに取る「パン食い」もしました。休憩時間の後には、午後の競技が行われました。午後からは、「綱引き」そして「こども運び」と「二人三脚」がミックスされたゲームをしました。始めに、子ども達同士で二人三脚が行われ、その後に親対子供の対決が行われました。競技の最後には、表彰式が行われ、思い出に残る運動会ができたと思いました。今回は、気温が30度を超えたので通常の時間よりも早めに運動会を切り上げました。運動会の後は、皆でピクニックをしました。HYIS Sports Festivalにお越しいただいた保護者そしてゲストの皆様暑い中、お越しいただきまして誠にありがとうございました。また、秋の運動会にてお会いしましょう!一味違う運動会を楽しめると思います。
Smiley Class「玉入れ」Sunshine/Super Kids Class「障害物リレー」赤組VS白組の綱引き親VS子供二人三脚対決競技の後は表彰式が行われました。
Congratulations everyone! You did a great job!  

Posted by hyis at 23:07Comments(0)


Star Festival ☆七夕☆

July 7th, 2011
Today is a special day for a cute couple who resides in the sky, Orihime and Hikoboshi.
The HYIS students celebrated Star Festival or so-called "Tanabata" through song. First, we sang from the Japanese version and followed by singing the English version. Everyone enjoyed hanging the decorations and wishes on the bamboo leaves.
Coming up next is our first Sports Festival , can't wait till then...


Posted by hyis at 21:24Comments(0)


Welcome to H.Y.I.S.

Hello to all! We are Hitokoe Yokohama International School (H.Y.I.S)
H.Y.I.S. is located in Yokohama, Asahi-ku, a place full of nature and beautiful scenery. Just 5 minutes walk from the Minami-Makigara station. The name of the school has a meaning and the word 「ひと声」 means "One Voice". Each voice is important especially, we celebrate and value the voice of a child. We are still fresh though we will engage with care and dedication to both the children and parents.



Posted by hyis at 23:09Comments(0)